You can submit your life certificate through online mode or by visiting branch and submit SBI life certificate form in offline mode. For submitting life certificate online you have to visit Jeevan Parmaan website and with Aadhaar authentication you can complete SBI life certificate submitting process.
This is what you are going to learn
SBI life certificate form for pensioners 2022
You can submit this form in the month of November every year either through online mode or through offline mode
Modes of submitting SBI life certificate :
watch vedio on SBI life certificate 2022
Online modes for submitting SBI life certificate form are :-
- From Jeevan pramaan official website you can submit your own Certificate i.e. https://jeevanpramaan.gov.in You simply have to open this website and update your Pension payment order and Aadhaar card.
- From government of India mobile application UMANG you can also submit certificate online from your mobile phone. You have to download UMANG application from your mobile phones play store and after download open the application and find option generate life certificate. From this option you will be redirected to jeevanpramaan website.
- You can also submit you certificate at CSC service centers or Aadhaar seva kendra. for this you simply have to visit these centers with you Aadhaar card and PPO number ( Pension payment order)
Offline modes of Submitting SBI life certificate form are : –
- You can submit certificate in physical form at any SBI branch and for this you need to fill SBI life certificate form, thereafter submit this filled form at any SBI bank branch.
- Visit any nearby SBI bank branch with your Aadhaar number, Pension payment order number and mobile number. Branch official will submit your certificate through Jeevanpramaan application.
You can download SBI life certificate form from below download link. take print out of this form, fill it completely and submit this at any SBI bank branch.
For quick reference you can check below how to fill SBI life certificate form:
Branch Name: ……………………………. Branch Code: …………
SB A/C No.: ……………………………. Category: Def/Central/Rail/Telecom/State
I. SBI Life Certificate
Certified that I have seen the Pensioner ……………………………………………………………
…………………………………….. holder of Pension Payment Order No. ………..……………. and A/c No. ………………………. and
that he is alive on this date.
Signature with SS No.: ………………………………
Date: ………………………………
Name: ………………………………
Signature of Pensioner : ………………………………
Designation: ………………………………
Seal: …………..…………………..
I submit herewith additional details as under:
- Income Tax Permanent Account Number (PAN) :_____
- Mobile No. :_____
- Date of birth of the Pensioner/Spouse: _______
(Proof of Date of Birth attached) - Aadhar No.: …………………………………
- e-Mail Address:————–
Signature of the Pensioner
Name of the Pensioner: __________
.Aadhar No.: ………………………………….
Savings Bank Account No. _______
II. Non Employment Certificate
*I declare that I have not received any remuneration for serving in any capacity in the establishment of the Central Government or a
State Government or a Government undertaking or from a Local Fund during the period November to April 20……, May to October
*I declare that I have been employed/re-employed in the office of ……………………………….
and was in receipt of the following emoluments during the period (to be specified).
*I declare that I have not accepted any employment under any Government outside India or Commercial Employment after
obtaining/without obtaining sanctioning of the Director/CSIR (to be furnished by Class I Officer only).
(Strike out whichever is not applicable )
Place: ………………………
Date: ………………………
Signature of Pensioner ………………………
III. Certificate of Re-marriage/Non-marriage
I hereby declare that I am not married/I have not been re-married during the past six months and shall inform the Bank as soon as I
Place: ………………………
Date: ………………………
Signature of Pensioner
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above declaration is correct.
(Signature of the responsible officer
or a well-known person)
Place: ………………………
Name: ………………………
Date: ………………………
Designation: ………………………
Acknowledgement of Life Certificate
We acknowledge receipt of Life Certificate of Shri/ Smt/ Kumari—————————-(Pensioner) Account No—————– PPO no—
——————- submitted by him/her/his/ her representative on———–(Date)
For State Bank of India
Also check our Article on

SBI Life certificate form download
Frequently asked questions on SBI life certificate form for pensioners
1. How to submit SBI bank life certificate?
You can submit SBI Bank life certificate through online and offline modes
Online modes are :
– From jeevanpramaan website
– from Government of India application UMANG
– From any CSC center or from Aadhaar seva kender
Offline modes are :
– By Submitting SBI life certificate form ATM any SBI bank branch.
2. Can i submit SBI life certificate at any SBI branch?
Yes, you can submit your SBI life certificate at any SBI branch.
3. Last date for submitting SBI life certificate?
Life certificate should be submitted before 15th November because most of the treasuries complete salary processing by that time. But if anyhow you are not able to submit certificate before 15th you can submit it before salary date and if you submit certificate at latter dates than this may result in pension payment delay.

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